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      06-17-2016, 11:37 AM   #84
Brigadier General

Drives: F87 M2C 6MT, Tesla Highland 3P
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: San Diego

iTrader: (1)

The logic here is baffling. I had a BMW built in SA and another in Germany. Guess what, the German wasn't the more reliable one. So by what I'm reading I should only buy cars from South Africa?

Come on now, we know the quality is much more than the country of assembly. The reality is that factories are largely automated anyhow. The parts where there is human intervention, it's made as simple as possible to limit mistakes. Even then, there is QA checks that occurs throughout the production line. The chance that a mistake is made and missed is likely the same in Mexico, as in Germany. People make it sounds like the brightest and best that Germany has to offer is the ones hand building the 3 series.

At the end nothing I say here is likely to change any minds. Besides, it's not like you are using my money. So do what makes you feel happy and warm inside.
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