WOW great read! Thanks for the information!
Would you be able to give some specific examples of what you would eat during Monday to Friday?
I've been working out for about 3 years now!
When I first started going to the gym I just did cardio + light machine exercises for the first 8-10 months. I was able to drop my weight (25-30 pounds; going from 25%+ body fat to14-15%). Once I started a proper weight training program about 2 years ago, I was able to drop my BF to around 11-12%. I usually maintain that during the whole year but would love to cut down to 8-9% for this summer. I usually eat pretty healthy but I found it impossible to hit 8-9% without strict diet plans. Still a noob when it comes to nutrition and the fact that I'm pretty picky with food doesn't really help a lot either (I just can't eat any type of fish). Still having a hard time deciding what i should be eating exactly during those 5 days (Mon-Fri).....
Thanks again for the great read!