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      05-08-2008, 09:48 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by Expired View Post
To me chicken cordon bleu looks pretty healthy from the pics I just googled, I've never had it though.
If by healthy you mean eating stuff that is plain and bland, then no it's not. :P
My mom usually cooks beef stew, chicken fried steak with sides, beans in a crockpot, meatloaf, etc.. She usually cooks so much of it I end up eating leftovers for about a week. -___- My dad just makes salads and puts them in a big bowl in the fridge.. (Carrots, spinach leaves, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, sliced bell pepper, broccoli, guacamole, etc..)
Tell me if anything I listed is healthy, those are just the main dishes she makes on a regular basis.

I gave up on working out.. lol
I don't need to lose any weight, and get enough exercise from tennis/ultimate frisbee/etc..
I'll just leave working out for when i'm bored.

When I do workout, I usually just do pull-ups (palms facing out), push-ups (Both spread and hands together), "floor wipers", crunches (alternating elbow to knees), sit-ups (up, twist left, down, up, down, up, twist right), dumbbell curls, dips, upright rows /w bar, kickbacks (but I lift up and down, I don't go backwards), Side Lateral Raises, and I "Pour out the milk" (Not sure what the technical term is).. Didn't know the names of a lot of these workouts so I had to google..
I keep 25's on my bar and 10's on my dumbbell bars.. Not really going for the whole body builder look.

It's not really unhealthy per se. But with as much sodium is packed in it, I deem it as junk. Not that I eat low sodium foods 24/7. It's impossible if you eat out anywhere.

Must be a Houston thing, growing up I ate leftovers at least 3 times a week.
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