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      02-16-2012, 11:06 AM   #6
merchomini's Avatar

Drives: 2011 Touareg VR6
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: MidWest

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i agree with some of what was said in the various posts above..... to be honest i think you are jamming to many lifts into one day....

i would try to stick to two muscle groups a chest tris or back bis....shoulders legs......

running isnt bad in moderation but if ur main goal is to get bigger then i wouldnt do more than 45 mins a week because it will affect how much mass you put on if ur running to much.

That being said some ppl are hard gainers and have to do a minimum 3 days of lifting to make gains but for me i have to do more like 5 days a week to make gains.

As stated above diet is also a huge part in gaining mass.....protein and calories from both natural forms as well as protein shakes because other wise it will be difficult to get the appropriate amount of protein that you need daily for gaining mass. I try to eat 5 to 6 times a day.....usually smaller meals, but i do count a protein shake as a meal and i do about two of those a day.

Also like stated above your reps and sets will make a difference in how u make gains. For instance, for gaining size you would probably to 5-8 reps as opposed to higher like 12-15....

im trying to not write to much and still be helpful, but every ones body works a little bit differently so you kinda have to figure a little bit out by ur self.... but i would def try and use what iv written so far.

also you want to be pushing your going heavy and to failure if you can on ur if ur goals is 8 reps when doing benchpress you want to make sure that on ur 8th one ur pretty much at failure. You also want to change up ur pattern every 2 weeks or things in different orders, with different rest periods, maybe different days of the week.....

You can effectively get a cardio workout in while your lifting by cutting your rest periods and keeping your hear rate up, basically you want to be sweating and breathing hard or out of breath your whole lift.

The most important things are going to be diet, what you eat and how much and how often, as well as proper technique and form. Going to the gym and busting ur ass is good only if your form is right, and ur doing things the right way, thats the best way to make gains is proper form.

Iv probably left some stuff out and Im sure that someone will disagree with me on something and like i said each person is different, but im pretty confident in what i say, iv been a high level athlete my whole life, wrestled, soccer, lacrosse, and played lacrosse in college and have set and reached many fitness goals. If you have any questions feel free to message me with them. Goodluck
2011 Volkswagon Touareg - Current
2005 Evolution 8 FBO E-85 365whp - Sold
2009 135i Alpine White/Terracotta 6mt - Sold
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Last edited by merchomini; 02-16-2012 at 11:12 AM..
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