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      04-10-2018, 09:26 AM   #11
Long Time Admirer, First Time Owner
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I have been insulin-dependent for 37 years.

I had a mean caffeine habit. I had been in the hospital for a liver infection. They were giving me morphine. I was able to kick the caffeine habit.

During the Northridge earthquake, we had no gas/electric for several hours. By about 1pm I was curled up in a fetal position on the couch, and was ready to eat instant coffee crystals. My wife found a store that had a generator and was able to get me a cup of coffee. I decided enough was enough, but it is a serious withdrawal if you go cold turkey.

Now, I only allow the caf-feind on my back on Wednesdays. The rest of the days I drink decaf coffee. I certainly can't tell the difference based on flavor.

Diet Coke was my afternoon/night option for caffeine. Several years ago I switched to caffeine free DC, and went with diet orange and lemonade flavors. Jack really helps with all of those. I have tried the St Croix water/sodas, as well as Hansen's Diet. St Croix is the better of the 2 health-wise, but I just couldn't get onto the flavor wagon. I also tried the little green Perrier water cans, but still drinking at least 3-4 diet sodas a day.

Good luck!!
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