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      08-28-2019, 03:17 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by ByeFelicia View Post
Thanks all, this is definitely because of gym related shoulder pain. Specifically bench press... All responses have seem to be in the positive and my pain has been persistent for weeks.

Will have to try this out.
I'm sure you know what you're doing, but make sure your form isn't compounding the issue. Scapula retracted and tucked down to create a natural arch.

Also I see a lot of people neglect the opposing muscle group. Rear delt work helps balance things out. I actually do "face-pulls" between my bench sets as your pectoral muscles want to pull your shoulders forward if they have had more time devoted to them vs. The shoulder girdle work that pulls everything back inline.

Fortunately I was taught by some guys who were professional in their sports, and started out on the right track. My personal best was around 430lbs, but now I'm 44 years old.....and I rarely go above 315 for reps. But have never had any shoulder I consider myself lucky!
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